Just a tank has around 30 000 polys, half of it is used by tracks. I made them more detailed because I plan to create some animation with camera close-up on tracks later.
This one is Soviet original without any additional elements, that part will come later, for now I got only hi poly models(extra barrels on back, ammo boxes, tent roll, field armor,etc.) but I'm still thinking about final appearance. I think it will look like this one from real photos of that time.
Other variants will come soon.
Here is additional machine gun that will be mounted on the turret of Soviet version. DT(Degtyaryova Tankovy) is in fact the main machine gun installed inside the T34 tank. My version uses original sight that was used inside tank, it probably doesn't make sense outside but it looks kind of cool. Original DTs mounted on turret of T 26 tanks looked like this and had been used as a anti-aircraft machine gun.
Here is textured low poly model of DT. Model has 14032 polygons. Second one is anti aircraft version.
You can also check textured M2 Browning for Croatian version...
...and whole tank with additional equipment.
Final textures made in Substance Painter.
At last, here is a Soviet version with shaped charges metal fence "bed springs armor" like on the reference photo above. I also added two reflector lights which were used on T26 tanks in combination with anti aircraft DT machinegun.
Yesterday I found one very interesting and promising texture painting software, Substance painter. How I don't really like my DT machine gun texture I decided to retexture it in this new application. When I was done and finally happy with the result I realized that I can't do much with my new texture. I tried to export it into PS layers but what I got was unusable, so I decided to make some nice render and soon I found out that this isn't possible either. Anyway, good old Print Screen never disappoints. It's obvious that this really nice piece of software is still in developing process and I sincerely hope that it will be fully functional soon. Here is the result.